Saturday, 18 June 2016

OOPs ALV using custom container

This tutorial is about creating ALV with Oops methodology. We have to use the container in our screen and that container object will work as the parent object further. Below mentioned steps will be followed.

  1. Call the screen and in MODULE status_<screen_number> OUTPUT we will do all the coding.
  2. Set the PF status
  3. Create a custom controller.
  4. Create an ALV grid object making Custom controller as the parent object.
  5. Prepare the output table and field catalog.
  6. Use method set_table_for_first_display to finally display the table
Start by creating a screen in report and in that screen create a container and give it a name. We can create container by using the “Custom Control” element.

Now do the coding like below.

Execute the code and below is the output.

Happy Learning :)

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